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Thread: Almost died today

  1. Default Almost died today

    Rode the bike this am to work. A 17 yr old ran a stop sign and I hit his front end. Flipped me off the bike and I did a roll or 2 and landed in the ditch. The kid drove off and hid. The actual sheriff of Union County drove by and stopped and talked with me and by that time Candy was there since I was only 5 miles from the house. The NC Highway patrol investigated the accident and the sheriff had deputies looking high and low. About 30 min later they caught the car with the owner driving it. He had let his nephew drive it and that is who hit me. Trooper arrested the kid and charged him with hit and run w/injury -death Felony.

    I got my left knee all sore and swollen up and road rash in a few places and smacked the helmet up pretty bad but I m alive . Bike is totaled and that sucks but I am thankful to be alive . It was weird that it felt like it took a full minute to quit flipping and sliding.

    I was touched that 5 different people stopped and drug the bike out of the road and offered comfort until the ambulance arrived and 1 man witnessed the kid driving off and stuck around to witness for the officer and left his business card with me and said call if you need anything. I saw my life ending when I was flipping and thought how I was gonna miss my family

    This may read kind of weird but I am on percocet and muscle relaxers ,woo hoooooo.
    The older I get ,the better I was

  2. Default

    Damn Kevin...Glad you are OK. I understand about the left knee. I'm still looking at possible surgery on mine. Do what the doc says and smoke plenty of good tobacco.

  3. #3


    Damn Kevin, glad you're relatively okay. I hope the knee heals fine and you don't need surgery.

    Ride safe everyone. It seems there has been a rash of cycle accidents locally.

  4. Default

    there was another 1 across the county at the same time as mine. I am so thankful to our Law enforcement agencies here ,they are a decent bunch of folks and the sheriff is accessible anytime. Most hit&runs go unsolved from what I have seen.
    The older I get ,the better I was

  5. #5
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    I'm glad your OK Kevin. Thoughts & prayers your way bro.

    The powers that be might take it all away
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  6. #6
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    That's an awesome statement about your community that so many strangers stopped to help. That sucks about your bike but obviously it's the rider that's important. I second Ken's suggestion!!

  7. #7
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    Glad to hear your OK and it wasn't worse. From the sounds of it, it could have been a lot worse. Smoke some good cigars, take it easy, and heal up!
    Yay! Cigars!

  8. #8
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    Glad to hear you are ok - will be praying for a quick recovery. I've had that happen too where you feel like the event is in slow-motion, pretty weird sensation.

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  9. #9
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    Ah crap, try and get some rest.. sounds like you need it! Don't stress on the bike, I am sure his insurance will cover it. Good thing you were wearing your helmet, they do save lives.

  10. #10


    Dude, that totally sucks. As a fellow rider, I know how dangerous the streets and highways can be with all the cagers out there.

    The bike can be replaced and us, not so much. Glad to hear that you are relatively unscathed and are able to post about it.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Almost died today

    Holy shit dude. Hope you feel better soon

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  12. #12
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    I am glad that your relatively OK. I not a fan of being able to drive without an adult in the car before your 18 for many reason. I know there's a lot of asshole adult drivers too but young people tend to lack the fear factor especially boys. Again I am sure any one could raise the argument 18 doesn't make you an adult but it truly holds you responsible by law. Once you turn 18 your beginning to see how your parents are not required to do as much as they once were so it might make the person a tad more responsible. I guess there no sure fire answer.
    Oh by the way, it did not sound weird, what was really weird is how well you sounded and spelled! It must be the drugs....

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  13. #13
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    Time spent sliding down the pavement always feels like an eternity. Wishes for a speedy recovery.

    What were you riding? the Vulacan you posted up a while back?

  14. #14


    Sorry to hear that Kevin. I'm glad you're here posting about it.

  15. #15
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    I'm glad to hear your OK, Kevin.
    Bike can be replaced , you can't.
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  16. #16
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    Thank God you are alive! I hope you don't have any permanent trouble because of the accident. Hmmmmm heavy drugs... and cigars. I wonder if that is a good combination? Hope you feel better soon. Roger.
    Just another day at the office!

  17. #17
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    Glad to hear you made it though (relatively) ok. When you go get a new helmet, don't throw the old one away. Hang it up in the garage and be thankful you had the sense to strap on the brainbucket.
    Get that knee healthy and you'll be kicking ass again in no time.

    "...all roads lead to cigars."
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  18. #18
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    Glad to hear you're ok. I wish you a speedy recovery!
    Smoke em' if you got em'

  19. #19
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    Glad to hear you walked away relatively unscathed...

  20. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tdre977 View Post
    Time spent sliding down the pavement always feels like an eternity. Wishes for a speedy recovery.

    What were you riding? the Vulacan you posted up a while back?
    Ya it was the vulcan,I really liked that bike but I will find another one. It may sound stupid to some but I am not afraid to ride again. I am not billy badass by any stretch but I fear few very things in life and I will ride again.Thanks for the well wishes,my knee is hurting and now they are saying my tibula is broke I gotta go to an ortho tomorrow
    The older I get ,the better I was

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