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  1. The Name of the Rose

    Maybe it's me. Maybe it was the time of day, or my mood. Perhaps the Malbec had something to do with it. But I just didn't get this movie at all.

    Oh, it had promise. Sean Connery, a young Christian Slater, and everyone's favorite coy badguy, F. Murray Abraham. It just didn't do it for me.

    The story takes place in an abbot, a long time ago. Books and logical thinking were enemies of the church. There are a series of mysterious deaths. All matters of mysteriousness ...
  2. Amelie

    Amelie is a French film by director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, made in 2001. Unimpressed with the "typical" life she "should" be leading, she invents a life for herself which fits her whimsical understanding of reality. She works as a waitress in Paris, amused by the passers-by of her everyday life.

    She finds a box in her apartment of items that belonged to someone who used to live in her apartment. Intrigued, she takes efforts to not only locate, but return these ...
  3. Intimate Stories

    Director Carlos Sorin takes us on the innocent adventures of three individuals from the same small Argentina town, all with the desire to make a day long trip to San Julian. Maria Flores learns that a game show she entered to be on has called her name, and she must sacrifice attending to her market and traveling with her baby for the possibility of fame and fortune of the game show. Don Justo received word that his long-lost estranged dog, Badface, was sighted in San Julian, and he is going to ...
  4. Feast of Love

    On the cover, this film looks great. It's set in Oregon (I think it's southern Portland area), and has an all star cast.

    The protagonist (Greg Kinnear) in the film doesn't understand his wife (Selma Blair). At all. She leaves him for another woman they met after one of her softball games. The film sort of follows their growing relationship. He runs a small coffee shop, employing a younger man, who is a recovering drug addict, and is looking for love as well. A wonderful girl ...
  5. The Mirror

    The Mirror is a foreign film set in Tehran, Iran. Jafar Panahi directed this film in 1998.

    It begins by telling the story of a little girl left to find her own way from home after her mother apparently forgets to pick her up. Only being in 1st grade, she isn't clear on exactly HOW to get home, but is able to communicate with bus drivers and police landmarks that she recognizes.

    Halfway through the film, she apparently gets tired of acting, and wants to quit shooting ...
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