Conversation Between cinda and basil

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Where have you been? I have not seen you since Christmas? I trying to think of something to say that is not a wise ass remark or inappropriate and I am at a loss for words so I will just zip my lips and hope to see you posting something soon.
  2. Happy New Year!
  3. you said ass-ho to are naughty!
  4. ohhh dear...I will be careful I would not want to be poked by one of your sharpys.....
  5. Yup, I do! Sharpen 'em weekly.
  6. ya the sawed off horns did give it away I am sure you still have yours!
  7. lol - I was trying to make this visitor messages thing work like the TMs! Shit. Ok, I replied to your message the other day - here is was: "lmfao! Bullshit you did not think that! Man that is funny!!! haha what about the sawed-off horns?"

    Anyways, it seems a little out of context now . . . kinda random.
  8. What is very funny is I just noticed that your avatar is Hellboy....all this time I thought you had a sun burn.
  9. Get ready for your birthday spanking!
  10. you still thinking?'s your coal. Chin up-there's always next year.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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