Conversation Between CigarTaylor and wchurst

1 Visitor Messages

  1. I saw your request for a price estimate on your Henry Clay & La Corona cigars, and thought I could help you out a bit (I've bought & sold a number of Pre-embargo boxes over the years).

    Provided that these have been kept in 'good condition' (Humidified), you should be able to value them as follows (Sealed/Open-Kept/Open-Dry/Open-Damaged):

    The La Corona "Quintessas" 25-ct ($320/$225/$100-$120/under-$100)
    The Flor de Henry Clay "Florfinas" 25-ct ($350/$250/$120-$150/under-$120)

    If you ever wish to have them inspected/appraised by a Cigar Auction House, I recommend consulting C.Gars Ltd. of the UK.

    If you ever decide to sell them, please let me know...I'm always in the market for a few more boxes to add to my collection!

    Walter C Hurst
    HI Corp
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