Conversation Between NormanAlbert and ggiese

2 Visitor Messages

  1. There's a question that's been on my mind lately: What accounts for Norman Albert's prodigious criminality and dissipation? I mean, it's indisputably time to put up or shut up. As this post will make clear, Norman has, on a number of occasions, expressed a desire to bribe the parasitic with the earnings of the productive. On all of these occasions, I submitted to the advice of my friends, who assured me that I once told her that her crafty scare tactics impact heavily on our security and survival. How did she respond to that? She proceeded to curse me off using a number of colorful expletives not befitting this post, which serves only to show that Norman might have been in a lethargic state of autointoxication when she said that her flimflams are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. More likely, perhaps, is that Norman drops the names of famous people whenever possible. That makes her sound smarter than she really is and obscures the fact that Norman has a knack for convincing maledicent, money-grubbing carpers that she is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted. That's called marketing. The underlying trick is to use sesquipedalian terms like "counterrevolutionist" and "counterexpostulation" to keep her sales pitch from sounding horny. That's why you really have to look hard to see that there is no such thing as evil in the abstract. It exists only in the evil deeds of evil people like Norman.

    Sometimes it seems uninformed sad sacks are like a farmer who, in the spring, would work the ground, plant seeds, fertilize, and cultivate the ground for a period of time. And then, perhaps, he decides to go off to Hawaii and have a good time and forget the reason he planted the crop in the first place. Well, a farmer wouldn't do that. But Norman would encourage every sort of indiscipline and degeneracy in the name of freedom if she got the chance. Her claim that she can override nature is factually unsupported and politically motivated. If she continues to shake belief in all existing institutions through the systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical facts, I will be obliged to do something about her. And you know me: I myself never neglect my obligations. To add another dimension to this argument, let me mention that it takes more than a mass of sinful opportunists to unmask Norman's true face and intentions in regard to elitism. It takes a great many thoughtful and semi-thoughtful people who are willing to maintain social tranquillity.

    Just to add a little more perspective, Norman motivates people to join her polity by using words like "humanity", "compassion", and "unity". This is a great deception. What Norman really wants to do is rouse the agitated petite bourgeoisie to chauvinistic fervor and hoodwink them into challenging all I stand for. That's why Norman is absolutely determined to believe that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel, and she's not about to let facts or reason get in her way. In conclusion, let me just say that as incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is honestly the victim of a diabolical conspiracy masterminded by Norman Albert to turn me, a typically mild-mannered person, into a prudish vat of extremism.
  2. Hiya NormanBates - Momma is calling for you - and she sounds VERY angry. Put down the internet and go see what she wants!!!
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