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Citizen Agency

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I own an ad agency on the side and just thought it might be cool to start a blog to show some of the stuff we do. We do some media buying and some radio production, but we really focus mostly on video production. I'm going to try to get some pictures of our sets when we are shooting commercials and then post the final spot as well. I have a few things from the past that I can get started with that I'll try to get rounded up and posted over the weekend. To get it kicked off here is a picture of one of our camera rigs we used for a shoot we did last Friday. It is a Black Magic 4K inside a Tilta-Rig cage. I believe we were using a Rokinon 35mm lens on this one.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3.6.15BM4K.jpg 
Views:	3744 
Size:	68.1 KB 
ID:	3904

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  1. badwhale's Avatar
    Cool. That thing looks like some sort of quantum physics experiment.
  2. ashauler's Avatar
    Holy shit, I couldn't even operate that fuckin' well enough to capture my thumb, which is about the only thing I can consistently get in focus.