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38 Visitor Messages

  1. Funny - The P.O. Said, "MOVED - LEFT NO FORWARDING ADDRESS"...
  2. View Conversation
    The PO had my forwarding address........and now you can have it too.
  3. I Have plenty!

    And you woulda had one, had you not moved and left no forwarding address...
  4. View Conversation
    Have you been finding anymore Opus X's?
  5. View Conversation
    Morning George! Just started smoking again. I need to get some herfing on. Are any schedualed soon?
  6. View Conversation
    Somehow my sense of context is all screwed up... when are we leaving for London?
  7. View Conversation
    Dangit George I know you are trying to swipe the Dragon Humidor away from me and it isn't going to work, not this time.
  8. View Conversation
    Wow, I just found out about the fancy customized profile ability... I'm not sure why I'm pointing this out in a visitor message though, that seems sort of crazy.

    ...or is it completely sane?
  9. "Mr. Fancy customized profile" is what happens when you have NO clue about what buttons you're pushing...
  10. Well, look at Mr. Fancy customized profile!
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About ggiese

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Date of Birth
June 17
About ggiese
Precipitously close to disaster.
If you're bored and reading my bio please contemplate this question:

If a chicken and a half laid an egg and a half in a day in a half, how long would it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

No one can walk a mile in my shoes because they, too, would have corns and it would be painful.

Anyone that thinks they can outsmart me is most certainly right. I like it that way.

Ciao, bella!
Always looking for trouble and usually finds it! You seen any?



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12-24-2015 07:16 AM
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  1. ashauler ashauler is offline

    sittin' in the back room

  2. badwhale badwhale is offline

    hecho a mano matón

  3. BowhuntnHoosier BowhuntnHoosier is offline

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  4. cinda cinda is offline


  5. Devil Doc Devil Doc is offline

    Angel of Mercy

    Devil Doc
  6. Diesel Grinch Diesel Grinch is offline

    I have Neal's pants!

    Diesel Grinch
  7. mithril mithril is offline

    father of Lord Calvin

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