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  1. View Conversation
    pokes GG it's 2 am you know where your bed, pillow and blankie are?
  2. View Conversation
    What are you doing you old goat? Are you ready for your Bday spanking? Since I like you I am warming up the paddle on the newbies! Happy Bday!
  3. View Conversation
    Im not going anywhere, to be honest this is currently the only forum that i am an active member of. I don't have the time to sit around at the computer all day. So i will just keep posting away and when i can then i will defenitely give the pass it on thread a shot.
  4. View Conversation
    I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the idea of the pay it forward thread. I was really excited to get in on it until i saw you add the rule about 100 posts. I totally understand where you are coming from and I realize that since I am a newbie i should not be able to jump right into all the perks of the site. However I do have (what i think) is a good collection of cigars to offer. I guess i just wanted to bring up the fact that there might be a better way to go about it. And if not, its ok, i will just have to keep posting away until i can participate.
  5. View Conversation
    I sent you an email. Your box is full in here. :)
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    pokesssssssss you hard!
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    Hey GG! Whats up? I see that rude infant with the dog rocket stop by to leave ya some insults. Glad he's gone. Are ya still shoppin? Just thought I stop by and poke ya....cinda :)
  8. Dumbshit, do you not understand that I have you on ignore and that anything you send to me does not get thru,,,just that you tried to say something but are being totally ignored? Tell ya what, keep sending as many as you can and maybe one will slip thru but at least you will keep yourself busy shit for brains.

    How does it feel to be totally impotent not only not being noticed but also being impotent where it really counts,,,in life and with your mother? TA Ta

    Heh heh,,,I see CigarSarge has your number as well you dickwad. Tell your sister, Basil, I miss him and when he needs something to lift his spirits just have him imagine how humiliated he is when he still squats to pee in the mens room and maybe one day he will graduate to pissing in the little boys urinals. Make sure he knows the difference between the little pink soaps in the pisser and the real soap in the sink,,,on second thought, nevermind as it's always a hoot to see him come back out with his pockets full of stolen pink soaps that he steals. You really need to pick some better friends,,,and yeah, give my regards also to AssHoler. He might be the smartest among you dillholes as he knows what IGNORE actually means.
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About ggiese

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Date of Birth
June 17
About ggiese
Precipitously close to disaster.
If you're bored and reading my bio please contemplate this question:

If a chicken and a half laid an egg and a half in a day in a half, how long would it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

No one can walk a mile in my shoes because they, too, would have corns and it would be painful.

Anyone that thinks they can outsmart me is most certainly right. I like it that way.

Ciao, bella!
Always looking for trouble and usually finds it! You seen any?



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12-24-2015 07:16 AM
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  1. ashauler ashauler is offline

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    hecho a mano matón

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