Quote Originally Posted by Turbolag View Post

If no one tried, then no websites or businesses would get built.
Oh, boy... This just speaks volumes about where you're at... Following this logic, all we have to do is to "try" to be successful in jumping into a lake... But - perhaps you're not taking into consideration it might not be a good idea to do that at 3 am, naked, when the water temp is 35 degrees...

Look - I admire your courage, but apparently you do not possess what it takes to be successful. Seriously - if your business plan is to put up a website and post poorly written content about a subject you're not familiar with (fer cripes sake - within the last 30 days you found out there was something called a tobacco beetle and it could ruin your cigars!). ...and then follow the guidance of an SEO "expert" advice by posting the website link in your sigtag at an established cigar community to monetize this website? C'mon - seriously - what planet are you from?

I don't want to discourage you from doing a noble thing, but it's difficult to watch someone walk on the RR tracks wearing a headset with his back to a train traveling at 100 mph (147 ft/sec) less than 150 feet away.