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Thread: Can Cubans Be had in USA?

  1. #1
    Ruger1v Guest

    Default Can Cubans Be had in USA?

    Not sure if this is a dumb question or not but I am new to the cigar thing. Less than one year…. I hear a lot of things about Cuban cigars…. I have smoked enough sticks now to have an idea of what is good and my pallet is getting more refined in its youth of smokin’. Any suggestions on how to get a Cuban? Is it worth it? Can I just order one on line? If so, any suggestions on an economical Cuban smoke that is considered a good deal…. And where to obtain it…..
    I apologize for all the questions; any answers would be appreciated….

    Thanks Bill H

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Cuban cigars are illegal in the USA and have been since JFK's embargo on the country. The buying, selling, purchasing, or consuming of any Cuban cigar that was produced post-embargo is strictly forbidden. Therefore we do not discuss cuban cigars here unless we are from countries other than the USA. It's just bad etiquette, especially for someone new.
    "If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Havana, Cuba


    Quote Originally Posted by BigMacFU View Post
    Cuban cigars are illegal in the USA and have been since JFK's embargo on the country. The buying, selling, purchasing, or consuming of any Cuban cigar that was produced post-embargo is strictly forbidden. Therefore we do not discuss cuban cigars here unless we are from countries other than the USA. It's just bad etiquette, especially for someone new.
    Correct. I however smoke Cubans (cigars) all the time.. One of the few perks of living in Canada. If I remember correctly as well, the penalties in the United States are very stiff.
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  4. #4


    The above holds true for any post-embargo cigars, however, there are some cigars out there that are made with pre-embargo tobacco, Pinar makes one. They're ok, but hell the tobacco is over 50 years old so...... you better hope it was stored well.

    Also you can spring for pre-embargo boxes of cubans made in the cuban factories but

    1: Good luck finding any someone is willing to part with; and,

    2: I hope you're one rich S.O.B. because those will be thousands per box.

    Otherwise, there are many, many great non-cuban cigars that you can develop your taste for cigars with.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    38° 59′ 26″ N, 77° 1′ 35″ W


    Quote Originally Posted by BigMacFU View Post
    Cuban cigars are illegal in the USA and have been since JFK's embargo on the country. The buying, selling, purchasing, or consuming of any Cuban cigar that was produced post-embargo is strictly forbidden. Therefore we do not discuss cuban cigars here unless we are from countries other than the USA. It's just bad etiquette, especially for someone new.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." -unknown

  6. #6
    Ruger1v Guest



    It was just a question, Sort of feel like the new kid in school with that reaction... Like I said, I am new to this so the etiquette is not well defined to me at this time. So if I was a seasoned smoker the question would have been proper???? I am not trying to disrupt your “Good old Boys” Cigar club mentality. I just had question and thought a forum would be the correct stage to present it. I have heard many things about Cubans being legal and not legal, all in smoke shops and all different. A little clarification is all I needed...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    38° 59′ 26″ N, 77° 1′ 35″ W


    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan View Post
    Otherwise, there are many, many great non-cuban cigars that you can develop your taste for cigars with.
    Yep, there are many different awesome cigars out there worth trying. Your pallet has a lot more work ahead of it.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." -unknown

  8. #8
    Ruger1v Guest



    thanks for the info... that is more along the lines of what i was looking for.....

  9. #9
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    It was just a question, Sort of feel like the new kid in school with that reaction... Like I said, I am new to this so the etiquette is not well defined to me at this time. So if I was a seasoned smoker the question would have been proper???? I am not trying to disrupt your “Good old Boys” Cigar club mentality. I just had question and thought a forum would be the correct stage to present it. I have heard many things about Cubans being legal and not legal, all in smoke shops and all different. A little clarification is all I needed...

    "good old boys"???'re off to a really bad start asked a an got all pissy about about a nice big cup of "go fuck yourself"!!!!...


  10. #10
    Ruger1v Guest



    God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
    Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
    Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]
    If you plan on staying here how about reading the second stickey thread in the Cigars forums?

    A little advice...


    I am reposting this sense it seems some people just aren't getting the point. Pay particular attention to #5!

    Recently we have had an influx of dumbasses come through these parts and to avoid you going down the same road as them I would like to point out a few things:

    1. Respect ALL the members here all the time!

    2. If you do something wrong or just plain stupid, expect to be called on it and take your criticisms like a man.

    3. USE the search tool!!! Odds are the question you have has been answered if not many times at least once.

    4. Relax and be thick-skinned. Remember that the population here is 99.9% male and guys as you know can be brash without ill-intentions. So take everything with a grain of salt before you throw yourself into a flame war with an established member.

    5. If there's something controversial going on and you don't know the WHOLE story, stay out of it!

    6. Participate often and contribute to the board.
    You already screwed on #1, #2, #3, #4. Takes your licks like a man and move on. How about posting an introduction about your self.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." -George Carlin

  12. #12
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
    Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]

    so...does this mean youll be leaving us??.......and K7 hasn't even been here yet...stick around...the fun is just beginning....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That much further west


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpoppapuff View Post
    .......and K7 hasn't even been here yet...stick around...the fun is just beginning....
    I was just thinking the same thing.

    This dude had his feathers lightly ruffled (compared to the beat down I have seen people get after such a stupid and inappropriate question). Then he has to respond with a bunch of violent talking Bullshit full of spelling and grammar errors to boot. You would think he could at least clearly write out his macho man intentions. What a freaking joke.
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    It was just a question, Sort of feel like the new kid in school with that reaction... Like I said, I am new to this so the etiquette is not well defined to me at this time. So if I was a seasoned smoker the question would have been proper???? I am not trying to disrupt your “Good old Boys” Cigar club mentality. I just had question and thought a forum would be the correct stage to present it. I have heard many things about Cubans being legal and not legal, all in smoke shops and all different. A little clarification is all I needed...
    Maybe you oughta read this - it should clear things up for you...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
    Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]
    Awwww.... You got your feewings all hurt... Here - let me kiss it and make it better...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    lunatic fringe


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
    Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]

    ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddammit I kent beleev i msed thi!!!

    Hey Buger, beat this.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  17. #17
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    i don't know what to do...i'm gonna go get kevin....

    he's slithered away...leaving us with only our "old boys network"...or whatever the fuck he said...

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
    Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]
    When did ligero1 join here?

  19. Default

    Another one bites the dust...Damn I miss the good old days.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

    It was just a question, Sort of feel like the new kid in school with that reaction... Like I said, I am new to this so the etiquette is not well defined to me at this time. So if I was a seasoned smoker the question would have been proper???? I am not trying to disrupt your “Good old Boys” Cigar club mentality. I just had question and thought a forum would be the correct stage to present it. I have heard many things about Cubans being legal and not legal, all in smoke shops and all different. A little clarification is all I needed...
    clarification for you...

    noobs should read the "rules and regs" section. you should have used the search button.

    and if you had lurked or even used the search function, you'd know that thin-skinned, quick tempered folks don't do well.

    i'd say it was nice knowing you, but... it really wasn't.

    Look at that... I plumb got myself 5 raisins and 7 termites.

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