Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
I like how you think! A gun should always be the VERY last resort. If I could, I would get a permit to carry concealed. Not because I'm a powertripping tool, or a guy with a very small penis trying to compensate. But simply because "having one and not needing it is better than needing it and not having it"

I'd love to try that 5.7 myself. I have a funny feeling they'd be hard to get up here in Canada. If they're allowed at all. I may have to look into it. As for ammo, keep your brass and by some reloading equipment! I'm guessing that ammo isn't cheap but I wager you can get bullets and probably even the brass fairly inexpensively (in comparison). That 500 looks like a riot too...and I wager it's quite accurate at ranges most handguns would be useless.
I've heard repeatedly, "I'd much rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6". Perhaps we should ask Mr. Zimmerman if he supports that mantra.

I carried one around for more than 30 years - damn near everywhere I went. And quite frankly - it was much more trouble than it ever got me out of....