So, I did a little trade with a great BOTL last week and he sent out his end last Friday and DC# says it got delivered Monday. I checked the front porch and the mailbox (live in a townhouse community) no package. I figured it's probably in the PO waiting to be delivered on Tuesday. Checked again last evening, no package.
Walked to a couple of my neighbor's houses and inquired, and they said they have not received any packages for me. One neighbor said he got a package, but it was for another neighbor next to him. The people that live around me are good about giving packages back to the right owner, it's just that I don't know EVERYONE in the neighborhood, so if it goes to someone else, they won't hesitate chucking the box or keeping it for themselves.
Any way to track where the package went? All DC# tells me it got delivered to Burke, VA in the middle of the afternoon.
It wouldn't annoy me as much if it was sticks I can easily acquire or replace, but we are talking about Tat Blacks and it'd kinda a kick in the nutts to not get it.
I'm essentially just venting. Anyone else experience this?