Vitola: Lancero
7 x 38
Wrapper: Rosado
Filler: Dominican and Costa Rican

This is from the maker of Don Lino cigars. It is a nicely constructed lancero with a pig-tail cap. The band is made of something like wax-paper and has a unique look and feel. I'll also have to say that it had the most glue on it of any band I have seen so far....not a big deal I just found it interesting. The hand-feel of this stick is very "bumpy", not like the round little "toothy" bumps, but rather like you can actually feel the filler leaves through the wrapper.

The cap clipped easily and the light was equally unchallenging. My first impressions are of dry, woody tastes with some spice on the finish. After about the first inch the spice began to move back a bit and a sweet element came in to complement it. It stayed this way pretty much to the mid-point. The draw was just a bit loose, and the stick became distinctly softer as it burned. I had to moderate my draws just a tad to keep from overheating it.

At the mid-point the spicy/sweetness intensified and a leather taste appeared. The smoke volume picked up at this point and remained pretty impressive for this RG right up to the end. The ash on this cigar was distinctly different shades from the outer portion to the inner was somewhat flaky and required tapping about every 1" to 1 1/2". I would put the strength and body of this smoke in the med to maybe med/full towards the end. I nubbed with about 1 1/2" left.

Very interesting cigar, nice flavor and around $5-6/stick....I would recommend.