It's summer time. Hot weather, fishing and camping trips, and I love to drink cheap beer this time of year. I admit it. When I'm fishing on a lake, or mindlessly working in the garage on another failed attempt as a woodworker, I enjoy the cheap beer. I enjoy it because (depending on where you live) the alcohol percentage is lower than premium beers (= I can drink more of it), I don't really have the mindset to appreciate complex tastes anyway, and, like with cigars, I enjoy spotting a deal.

So here is the list, in order, of my favorite, mindless beers to drink:

1. If I'm fishing in Ontario, Canada somewhere, it's Labatt's Blue, in a can. Nothing beats it on a hot summer day sitting in the middle of a lake.
If I'm in the states, I enjoy Milwaukee's Best Light in bottles. A college buddy of mine used to travel 4.5 hours to Columbia, MO, and bring back cases of the stuff.

2. Milwaukee's Best (regular)

3. Modelo Light - for some reason, I don't like this beer while IN Mexico. In other words, I only enjoy this beer imported, rather than domestically.

4. Oranjeboom - in cans

5. Peter's Brand - in bottles

6. Pabst Blue Ribbon

Does anyone else enjoy the cheap beer? Any suggestions for me?