Quote Originally Posted by NullSmurf View Post
You're what, 53, and you haven't learned how not to be a dick? You can't "man up" and duke it out on the Internet, Gary. I wish I could, but there isn't enough left of my body. You have to be articulate and to some extent, diplomatic. The Floating Fat man on Cigar Live quietly swept you under the rug, as is his style for those who annoy him. Banned on CigarPass for spouting shit, public and private. Where else are you no longer welcome? You're running out of boards, Gary.

I voted here once when I should not have, but I'd suggest you give him another chance. I think he is actually trying to contribute to the community.

Bruce you know the chance has passed for that to happen. We don't believe in the clean slate approach like CL. He stepped on his Dick and now he has to deal with it. He isn't man enough to simple say he is sorry without the BUT and then STFU. He needs to be right and not be responsible for his actions. It doesn't fly here, or CP, Snobs, and other places.

He's done!