Well a about a month and a half a go, a friend of mine notified me that an IT position was going to be available soon where he works. So I went ahead and submitted my resume to see what would come of it. Had a few phone discussions with the 2nd in command of IT, met for a face to face disscusion, and finally went down to the office to meet with the head of IT and HR. All went pretty well, and I was unofficially offered the position about 2 weeks ago. They had to wait a bit to get things finalized and so forth and after stoping by the office last week, they had to wait for the one guy to return to the office before they could discuss any of the final details.

So I got the call this morning officially offering me the position with salary details and such. I was offered more than I expected and some great benefits, such as tuition reimbursement and room for advancement. All this makes it a no brainer decision for me, as I am currently a contractor which there isnt much room for advancement at the moment. And add to the project that I am on has been steadily falling apart. The last 3 weeks have been really bad, things just keep getting worse, we've had no direction or leadership for the last 4 months or so, and have been severely understaffed as we have lost 5 people in the span of about 7 months who have not been replaced. And to top it all off our Support Lead resigned 2 weeks ago, he had gotten a better job as well. So basically he and my supervisor are the only two guys I really enjoyed working with and could stand to be around for long periods of time.

So Im quite happy this opportunity arose when it did, and that I went ahead and put my resume in. Im stoked and cant wait to start.

And with that, I feel its a good time to hold my first contest!

Heres the deal, I still do not have a start date, I am waiting to schedule a drug test and get the results back before I will know the date. So what you have do is guess what day it is that I will start.

Heres a hint: I plan on giving at least 2 weeks notice.

1) Only 1 guess per person, and no editing.
2) Must be a member in good standing
3) If more than 1 person guess the correct date, I will go by who posted first.
4) This contest will be open until this Friday the 19th.

The winner gets a little package from me, though winning comes with a bit of a request. I have a cigar picked out that I will smoke on my first day, and another of the same cigar will be included with your winnings. I ask that, time permitting, that you enjoy this cigar the same day to help celebrate with me because I believe this to be a huge step forward for me.