First, the good news:

The cigars are here! There were some changes made last week, and we only ended up ordering two boxes. Irish79 and I both backed out, but there aren't any hard feelings anywhere! It's just the way these things go sometimes. The cigars are safely resting in my humi right now. The ashtrays are enormous. Sammis and Corvin have been randomly selected for the ashtrays. I hope you guys have big tables. In the interest of the cigars, the ashtrays will be mailed out separately from the cigars, so the ashtrays may take a bit longer to arrive. Sorry. Badwhale and Big Bill have been randomly selected to receive the boxes. I will be mailing those out with the cigars.

The bad news:

It's raining like crazy here, for some weird reason. It's atypical for this time of the year. And I'm swamped at work. Something major went down over the weekend and we're trying to figure it out. I'd rather not rush anything and do it wrong, so I'm going to pack everything this evening, and send out for sure tomorrow. I will send along DC#'s as well.

Thanks to everyone for their patience. These better be some damn fine cigars.