I have a few additions to my web store that I wanted to let you folks know about.

I have added the Lamborghini line of lighters and cutters. The Lamborghini products are very high quality and pretty darn good looking as well.


I have also added "OUST" Fans to my list. These are great little battery powered fans for use in your humidor. They run for 5 minutes and then shut off for 15 minutes then back on for 5 minutes providing great air circulation. I have a limited number of them and I am never sure I can find more so when they are gone they may be gone for good.

"OUST" Fan

Most importantly I am happy to announce my Holiday Season Sale, from now until Christmas Day all lighters, cutters and punches that are in stock will be discounted 10%. This includes all Xikar, Lamborghini, Blazer and Colibri lighters, cutters and punches.