Cigar: San Luis Y Martinez #2
Size: 6 X 52
MSRP: $60 for a box of 10
Wrapper: unknown
Binder: unknown
Filler: unknown
Strength: Advertised as full, but was more of a medium to me.
Quantity of this cigar smoked at time of review: 3

I have only seen these available from JR Cigars and there is not much information on them.

Description from JR's website...
The San Luis y Martinez line was designed by the Eiroa family to replicate as close as possible, the cigars that were formerly made in Cuba’s most famous district. The family has been so zealous in guarding the recipe for the makeup of these cigars that we have no information on the makeup of these cigars. All we can tell you is that these are heavy bodied, with immense amounts of bold billowing smoke from every draw. Sealed in stay fresh glass tubes to maintain their original flavor and essential oils, these marvelous smokes need no special care to be ready for a celebratory evening.


The presentation of the cigar is very nice. They come sealed in glass tubes, 10 to a box. The box is cardboard, but is tastefully done. I guess you don't need spanish cedar when the cigars are hermetically sealed in glass tubes. Fine with me, it takes up less space in the cooler. It is probably overkill even putting them in the cooler but better safe than sorry.

Once out of the tube, the cigar is not as pretty as it once was. It has a very dark toothy wrapper. The wrapper is applied very well. The bunching of the filler leaves is a little uneven in spots, slightly taking away from the visual appeal of the cigar. That didn't concern me though, I'm more interested in how it tastes. So hear you go.


The cigar starts off with a lot of spice and a little harshness. The harshness quickly goes away leaving a dominant flavor profile of spice, earth, and leather. The spice slowly fades as the burn progresses. By half way, this cigar is all leather and rich tobacco with just enough spice to compliment it. The cigar continues to mellow as you get closer to the last third. It begins to get a little hot and harsh towards the end. I laid it to rest with about an inch and a half left on it.

The cigar draws perfect and gives off volumes of thick smoke. I never had any real issues with the burn. It was not complex but very full flavored. Overall it was a very enjoyable cigar. It was medium bodied to me. I can't say that I would buy them at the normal price but JR has a "buy one get one deal" right now that is too good to pass up.

Thanks to mrtr33 for gifting these to me a while back. I really enjoyed them.