
I'm just going to tee off here.....

Why does M$ control so much market share? Why can't they simply make a consistent product? I have not always "played ball" with M$, but for this new job and present company, I have to. I was really excited when I heard we were getting Visual Studio 2008, and the new features interlaced with all of that. I was hoping for a bit more stability.

But NO.

I cannot handle the crashes! Over and over again! And it doesn't seem to consistently crash in one particular spot of code! About the only change I can tell from VS 2K5 is that VS 2K8 crashes faster, and the little message asking me if I want to report the crash to Windows comes up quicker and takes longer to report. I had to leave the office today at lunch. I should start bringing cigars - that's a stress reliever for you.

SQL server never crashes on me. Notepad never crashes on me. Why can't we just go back to text editors again? What's so bad with PHP?

But I digress.
