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Thread: Any custom computer builders out there?

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    Actually the term "newb friendly" was meant to mean that we don't treat people like dirt just becuase they haven't been around as long as us. I will admit there was a time when I actually wanted to be a part of this wonderful site.... I guess I just wanted some place where a BOTL could come and actually enjoy being part of a community. So bash away at this post all you guys like. It will just reinforce the reasoning behind what I am doing. And for those of you out there who come across this post and think that there might be merit to what I am talking about, then give me a shout and I will be more than happy to let you into a forum where people will treat you like a decent human being. You don't have to look up to the trash talking assholes that run this forum.

    And by the way. The site is completely free for anyone to join. I just figured that if i just posted the link there might be a few who would join and purposely start a bunch of crap.
    Keep that site of yours private - that'll work out VERY well for you...

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    Actually the term "newb friendly" was meant to mean that we don't treat people like dirt just becuase they haven't been around as long as us.
    "Newb friendly" was meant to mean people that have not been around as long as "us"? "Us"?

    Son - don't fool yourself into thinking you're not still wet behind the ears. You haven't earned the right to sit at the adult table yet...

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    I see you've gone full blown troll now. Nice

    Actually I think he's working on "full blown troll second award with the newbie laurel".

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    blah, blah, blah........ I just figured that if i just posted the link there might be a few who would join and purposely start a bunch of crap.
    What, like you're doing here? Funny, you say we missed you, but you're the one who can't stay away. With the plethora of cigar boards already out there, you have to start your own so you can have a "newb friendly" place to post.

    This is so transparent, I almost feel bad for ya.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarineOne View Post
    Actually I think he's working on "full blown troll second award with the newbie laurel".
    ...and "dupayash cluster".

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    Actually the term "newb friendly" was meant to mean that we don't treat people like dirt just becuase they haven't been around as long as us. I will admit there was a time when I actually wanted to be a part of this wonderful site.... I guess I just wanted some place where a BOTL could come and actually enjoy being part of a community. So bash away at this post all you guys like. It will just reinforce the reasoning behind what I am doing. And for those of you out there who come across this post and think that there might be merit to what I am talking about, then give me a shout and I will be more than happy to let you into a forum where people will treat you like a decent human being. You don't have to look up to the trash talking assholes that run this forum.

    And by the way. The site is completely free for anyone to join. I just figured that if i just posted the link there might be a few who would join and purposely start a bunch of crap.
    The only problem I see, is you were not acting much like a BOTL, a BROTHER of the leaf would have been alot thicker skinned, and ALOT more polite to the FOGs.
    You were not expected to come in and know everything, but you were expected to be polite. You came in here and acted like we owed you a favor, but if you would have come in and did a little bit of browsing, you would have realised that we are indeed a very close brotherhood that gives and gets respect.
    We saw your actions as someone who does not socialize well, and we don't want or need that here.


  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by mail man View Post
    The only problem I see, is you were not acting much like a BOTL, a BROTHER of the leaf would have been alot thicker skinned, and ALOT more polite to the FOGs.
    You were not expected to come in and know everything, but you were expected to be polite. You came in here and acted like we owed you a favor, but if you would have come in and did a little bit of browsing, you would have realised that we are indeed a very close brotherhood that gives and gets respect.
    We saw your actions as someone who does not socialize well, and we don't want or need that here.

    And that's EXACTLY why I nominated him for the "dupayash cluster" on Kris' meritorious award!

    I hate it when children like dreaddog keep spilling their KoolAid and throwing their food around because they're "bored". Unfortunately, dreaddog does not presently have the capacity to understand, the willingness or patience to contemplate the issues and (most importantly) the desire to change. Those kinds of concepts are foreign to children, but understood by adults. Therefore - until he grows up - he simply will not be permitted to sit at the adult table.
    Last edited by ggiese; 12-29-2009 at 12:25 PM.

  8. #128
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    Yeah I don't think he gets it ... so its time to break it down Gumby style.

    You came to our swimming pool.

    You peed in our pool and got caught.

    We beat your ass with a rubber flip-flop just like your folks should have.

    You complained about how you got your ass beat ...... not because you got caught peeing in the pool, but because you thought it was okay.

    So to take a line from the TV show Seinfeld .... "It's not you ..... it's me.".

  9. #129
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    Reminds me of my youngest (and she's not a child, mind you)...

    Recently she violated a house rule - a VERY CLEAR violation. Her sister "snitched". Regardless of the source, the fact remains - a house rule was violated.

    So - I call her out on the obvious house rule violation, although had not yet contemplated sanctions for said violation. Mmy philosphy in all fairness - correct the behavior, then contemplate sanctions.

    Her first bad move was to innnapropriately challenge my observations (i.e. - "it's not what you think, dad"). Wait just a doggone minute - it was a VERY CLEAR violation, with no wiggle room for interpretation.

    Her second serious faux pas was to angrily confront the "snitch" - reasoning that she would not have been in trouble if the "snitch" would not have outed her. ...and she KEPT challenging the "snitch", despite my repeated counseling that it was not in her best interest to do so.

    So... What's wrong with that picture? Well - let me break it down "Gumby" style (as Kris so eloquently did)...

    1. Clear violation of house rules
    2. Second clear violation of house rules - innapropriately challenging the ruling
    3. Third clear violation of house rules - innapropriately challenging the "snitch"

    My interpretation of the rules violation? -

    Violation 1: Guilty - FLAGRANT VIOLATION
    Violation 2: Guilty - FLAGRANT VIOLATION
    Violation 3: Guilty - FLAGRANT VIOLATION

    Under those circumatances - the three rules violations calied for some pretty severe sanctions. In my view - that globe done spun off its axis in this case.

    My daughter's interpretation of the rules violation? - a very smug "non-issue" feeling because (she reasoned) someone snitched on her.

    dreaddog - can you see the flawed logic in my daughter's interpretation in the above scenario? Perhaps you (and my daughter) could handle your transgressions in a much more mature, adult way?

    Don't be my daughter...

  10. #130
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    Default Nicely put

    You put a lot of time into that post and I must commend you for having (what I think) are some very good parenting skills. And I could see how that would be applied in my case as well. I do not disagree one bit that I have made some pretty bad mistakes on this forum. I also will not disagree that most of them were due to the fact that I not only overstepped the boundaries but that I retaliated as well. I do however think that there are members here that have absolutely no forgiveness and on top of that they will beat you down again and again once you have made a mistake. The fact is that we all make mistakes and we all loose our tempers from time to time. Maybe there are some people who think it is ok to trash talk and belittle people for their own enjoyment. I know that you are not one of those people, and I am certainly not one. Hopefully as I become older and wiser I will not make as many mistakes but until then I am who I am. There are those here who seem to have been holding a grudge, as my first post was spat on immediately. It is my hope that the forum I am part of now will be different. I don't know if it will be better but it is my hope that what happended to me here will not happen there. It is a place for anyone of any age to come and talk about their passion. I will do my best to ensure that it does not become a stomping ground for the cigar smoking veterans to kick around the new guys simply because they make a few mistakes. Life is hard enough as it is without some trash talking jerk sitting behind a computer belittling others for their own pleasure. That's just my opinion.
    Last edited by daredog4; 12-31-2009 at 01:21 AM.

  11. #131
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    Why do you keep coming back here?
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  12. #132
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    Default since you asked

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Why do you keep coming back here?
    Actually I had not been to the site in months. I came back to see if there were any new reviews up that looked interesting and I saw the post in this thread asking where I was. So I simply said what I had been doing and left it at that. I do not plan on returning again.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    Actually I had not been to the site in months. I came back to see if there were any new reviews up that looked interesting and I saw the post in this thread asking where I was. So I simply said what I had been doing and left it at that. I do not plan on returning again.
    Actually, Ash answered the question for you. You didn't need to reply. Seeya!
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    Actually I had not been to the site in months. .

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    You put a lot of time into that post and I must commend you for having (what I think) are some very good parenting skills. And I could see how that would be applied in my case as well. I do not disagree one bit that I have made some pretty bad mistakes on this forum. I also will not disagree that most of them were due to the fact that I not only overstepped the boundaries but that I retaliated as well. I do however think that there are members here that have absolutely no forgiveness and on top of that they will beat you down again and again once you have made a mistake. The fact is that we all make mistakes and we all loose our tempers from time to time. Maybe there are some people who think it is ok to trash talk and belittle people for their own enjoyment. I know that you are not one of those people, and I am certainly not one. Hopefully as I become older and wiser I will not make as many mistakes but until then I am who I am. There are those here who seem to have been holding a grudge, as my first post was spat on immediately. It is my hope that the forum I am part of now will be different. I don't know if it will be better but it is my hope that what happended to me here will not happen there. It is a place for anyone of any age to come and talk about their passion. I will do my best to ensure that it does not become a stomping ground for the cigar smoking veterans to kick around the new guys simply because they make a few mistakes. Life is hard enough as it is without some trash talking jerk sitting behind a computer belittling others for their own pleasure. That's just my opinion.
    The only problem, is you never did apologize for your "errors", you just kept baggin on people. If you would have just said a heartfelt "sorry" you would have gotten a little spanking, and let go to be a member.
    When I first started on this board, I made my self to be an asshat, but quickly realized what I had done, and extended my apologies, and moved on.
    We don't expect perfection, but we do demand some basic social skills...If you wouldn't do it face to face, you shouldn't do it here either.


  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
    You put a lot of time into that post and I must commend you for having (what I think) are some very good parenting skills. And I could see how that would be applied in my case as well. I do not disagree one bit that I have made some pretty bad mistakes on this forum. I also will not disagree that most of them were due to the fact that I not only overstepped the boundaries but that I retaliated as well. I do however think that there are members here that have absolutely no forgiveness and on top of that they will beat you down again and again once you have made a mistake. The fact is that we all make mistakes and we all loose our tempers from time to time. Maybe there are some people who think it is ok to trash talk and belittle people for their own enjoyment. I know that you are not one of those people, and I am certainly not one. Hopefully as I become older and wiser I will not make as many mistakes but until then I am who I am. There are those here who seem to have been holding a grudge, as my first post was spat on immediately. It is my hope that the forum I am part of now will be different. I don't know if it will be better but it is my hope that what happended to me here will not happen there. It is a place for anyone of any age to come and talk about their passion. I will do my best to ensure that it does not become a stomping ground for the cigar smoking veterans to kick around the new guys simply because they make a few mistakes. Life is hard enough as it is without some trash talking jerk sitting behind a computer belittling others for their own pleasure. That's just my opinion.
    Ooohh, boy... I had a long answer for this post, but dumped it because I truly don't know if it would satisfy you or help your situation.

    Bottom line - wisdom comes from within. It is truly comprehending, understanding and putting understanding into action. We study history for a reason - yet we are doomed to repeat history. Humans do not, through a variety of reasons, comprehend, understand and/or act appropriately. You, too, are doomed to repeat history's mistakes if you think creating a "Shangra La" website will solve the injustices you perceive.

    Good luck...

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    We study history for a reason - yet we are doomed to repeat history. Humans do not, through a variety of reasons, comprehend, understand and/or act appropriately. You, too, are doomed to repeat history's mistakes if you think creating a "Shangra La" website will solve the injustices you perceive.

    Good luck...

    "Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by mail man View Post
    The only problem, is you never did apologize for your "errors", you just kept baggin on people. If you would have just said a heartfelt "sorry" you would have gotten a little spanking, and let go to be a member.
    Yup. A simple "D'oh .... I goofed, my bad, I'm a dumbass" would have sufficed and things would have become normal for you. Unfortunately for you, denial, in this case, is NOT a river in Egypt.

    It's okay though because while the entire lesson hasn't been learned as it should have, i.e., sans apology, you know you screwed up and hopefully it won't be a repeat performance on this mysterious website.

    Make sure you invite Scooby and Shaggy ..... they might get lonely in the van.

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