lol...well thanks ggiese, i know a lot of things have been strewn out of proportion but i applaud your sense of humor about it all. And yes, i do look forward to being able to contribute more here. I don't know that my humidor holds anything that great, but most of them i thoroughly enjoy or have been wanting to try. I did get to try a lot of new ones in my time away, some great, some not so great. But it is fun to sample new cigars and add to my rotation.

As far as this thread is concerned i apologize that my statements about the Vigor Gaming peltier cooler have been missunderstood. Although i think that if certain people would have done a little research on it they would understand what i mean about the temps. That particualar cooler sandwiches the peltier between two plates that are both connected to cooling fins via copper heat pipes. The plate on the bottom is always on and acts as a usual heat pipe cooler. When the temps get high enough the controller turns the peltier on and moves the heat away from the processor and bottom plate into the top plate. That is why I made the statement that you don't see a large amount of cooling until the core temps build high enough.

I have also seen some cases where a peltier is used with water cooling. Personally i shy away from water cooling because i don't like fluids in my case, but i do see how a peltier would work really well with that setup.