What a crock of shit, I still don't get where you are being bashed.

If you've read so many old posts where newbies are being bashed, have you compared your actions to theirs? Did you read enough posts to get ALL the context in which the "bashing" took place?

Anyway, besides all the meanies we have here, it looks to me as if we have been adding quite a few quality members recently who have taken the time to figure this place out.

Quote Originally Posted by daredog4 View Post
By the way i had a great day also. Most of it was spent helping my brother. He is restoring a 67 Nova for a guy that drag races. Its really cool to see how all those scratches and dings can be erased and then a new paint job makes it look like a brand new car.

Lately i have done a lot of searching on the forum and have found many old posts in which mostly new guys were bashed, honestly a lot worse than i have been.....so thank you for that. But i just wanted to bring to attention that there are over 3000 members of this site. That really struck me as odd at first because i have only seen maybe fifty different people do most of the posting. Now maybe i am wrong and i will get more shit for saying this but i wonder if many of those members have read what I have and are simply scared to post. If I have to leave this forum then so be it, but i just want you senior members to think about that fact a little. I would argue that many of those members would love to give a little to the forum if they felt welcome.

Just a little food for thought.