Alright, this may just be a newb being a newb, but bear with (yes I searched the forum and didn't find anything on page one - see newb being lazy newb).

I've had my humi 1/4 filled for the last few weeks and have had a good 67%Rh going (it's been using Heartfelt beads). Well I finally got enough smokes to fill it completely (thank HeftySmokes and the awesome newbie sampler), and now the Rh has dropped to about 55%. I figured that this was just a factor of the smokes pulling in some of the humidity and it would take a little while to get up to the 65 or so that I like to keep them at. However, it has been 4 days and they RH is still down.

So, should I recharge the beads or show I be a patient newb and relax? I don't want these great smokes to go stale.

Thanks for the help wise and learned forum brothers and sisters.