I know it's been a long time since I've last posted here...and that's most likely a good thing. The last you heard of me was on very bad terms. I offended people here on the boards who are senior members and the people who built this great forum into what it is today. I also was part of a letdown in a long standing tradition (secret santa) that is in place to be fun and a way to show appreciation to members of the board. I did not do this by not following through on time with the committment I had made.

In writing this post I want to apologize openly and honestly about everything I had done to tarnish my name here. Not only did I mess up, but I brought a fellow peer from college into the board who also had problems here as well. For that I am also sorry.

All I want is to be able to freely post and be apart of this board and the great discussion and people that are here and that I had enjoyed so much. I will stay away from contests and things of that nature. I only want to be able to someday, once again, participate as an active member of this community.

So to ashauler, Diesel Grinch, Maduro Man, cigarsarge, Corvin, nhcigarfan, Basil, hex, and any other members that ever dealt with me, I am truly sorry for everything. I was a complete asshat in what I did and it showed very little character.

