I've had these sitting in the cooler for a little over a year and half now. I decided to have one on Sunday while I was sitting outside playing some Xenogears (one of my all time favorite PS1 RPGs) on my PSP. I had just returned from my trip to Raleigh on Friday and needed some time to relax over the weekend.

And to note some of these had mold on the wrapper, Im guessing from the wooden sleeve. So I removed all of them from the sleeves and brushed off the mold. I'll wait and see how they do from now on.

Anyways, I lite the cigar and began to enjoy myself. I was greeted with a very pleasantly tasting cigar, the down time definitely helped these. They were a good smoke when I first got them in, but what a change from then. It had a nice razor sharp burn and the tasted never turned harsh throughout the smoke. This was a very good cigar and I cant wait to see how they do in a few more months.