Cigars | Premium Cigars | Discount Cigars & Fine Cigars at Cuenca Cigars Online! and Events!

Jun 12th, 2009: The family of CUENCA CIGARS is very excited inviting you to the Cubuao/601 event that will take place Friday 12th at 07:00P.M.It will be the threshold for our HOT seasons of summer events that will keep you and us “smoking” .For this special day we have invited the young cigar industry personality of Erick Espinosa and the enlighten experience "Persona" of the savvy cigar advisor Gary J. Arzt .Do not miss it!!!

July 10th, 2009: The family of CUENCA CIGARS is very excited inviting you to the Cuesta Rey Cigars by J.C Newman. This Event will take place Friday 10h at 07:00P.M.It will be the threshold for our HOT seasons of summer events that will keep you and us “smoking” .

This special day we will have the presence of Alan Goldman, J.C Newman, Arturo Fuente Representative plus another figures from the Cigar Industry. We will be launching Cigars Specials plus our very accepted "Raffle Time". Visit us online or to see Videos of our latest Events visit our private Chanel at Avarena.

July 25th, 2009: The family of CUENCA CIGARS is very excited inviting you to the introduction of the Perdomo Cigars to our Shop. The Event that will take place Saturday 25th at 07:00P.M.It will be the threshold for our HOT seasons of summer events that will keep you and us “smoking” .

Joing us for this event and become part of our crew. For more detailed information feel free to contact us at 866-417-9454 or visit our site at: Cuenca Cigars.

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