Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
I thought getting taught was the best way. Like most anything else, there is a lot to know and from the reading I've done already there are plenty of wrong ways to do things and this is way too dangerous to not get someone experienced to show me.

I'm sure eventually I'll invest in my own reloading equipment but for this year, it'd be nice to just use someone else's and load all my empty brass.

If I lived anywhere near you, I'd happily give you a hand....and when were done, we could kick back and have a good cigar!
I was never taught, it would of helped, but I figured it out. I had 3 reloading books before I bought any equipment. I read the front section of the manuals but still didn't start reloading until after I broke my back. Having lots of free time healing up, not working, gave me the jump start to reload. I read everything I could about reloading then everything I could find about handloading match grade ammo for long range target competitions. When I can afford to, I upgrade equipment to speed thing up. The next few things on the list are giraud case trimmer and annealer. Reloading is a whole new hobby, it can take over very quickly.