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Thread: Gun Owning Smokers

  1. #661
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    Thanks for the condolences my wife fought a good fight for over 13 months but in the end she lost.

    Thankfully the brain caner got her so she went peacefully it kind of just shut her down and she passed in 16 hrs of losing conciseness.
    She started with breast caner and it moved to her lungs, spine and brain.
    The spine caners took her legs and lower half from her for the last few months
    The lung cancer was getting bad but in the end she shut down with the brain cancer and went peacefully.
    She wanted to come home so we got her in home hospice for the last month or so of her life which is me caring for her 24/7 and a nurse coming in when she need them.

    I do not wish what we endured on anyone but i would not trade the last few month with her for anything.
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  2. #662
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    That's a lot, Gregg. I'm glad to hear it sounds like she had peace, and was able to pass on at home, with you there. I can't even imagine.
    Although it's late, and our church services have been suspended, I'll add her to our prayers for those that have passed on, and you for support.

    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  3. #663
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    I kind of wish i would get quarantined for a few weeks so i can catch up on stuff around the house.
    But the government wants the trains moving so off to work i go.
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  4. #664
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    Drinking my self to sleep again so let's post pictures.
    Yes i was drinking when i built it so it will need re blued later on.

    This is what I started with.

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    And what it looks like now.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    not bad for a $350 including tools to build it, and yes it runs fine with ball ammo i will work on the feed ramp and get it working with hollow points later one.

    all i used to build it was a green scratch pad to remove rust form the lower, a small harbor fright file set, some cold bluing, a plunger staking tool, and a dremel tool to polish parts, break cleaner to remove oil when bluing it..
    i did replace 2 springs i did not like how it ran so i replaced the main spring to improve the trigger and the recoil spring was to long "and made it cycle slow" so i used a old one had from a rock island that was wore out.
    it now has a 3lb trigger pull and cycles fast.

    If you want a challenge build a 1911 not one part is going to fit with out some work.
    Last edited by Mangyrat; 03-25-2020 at 09:06 PM.
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  5. #665
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    This ar is special to me.
    It is a 7.62x39 side charger and the lower is fuck cancer with the serial number is the date I lost my wife 1016.


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    i just counted AR's and i have 8 right now all different only 2 are kind of the same one is plane Jane ar fn barrel premium PSA build the other is stainless bull barrel 5.56 the rest ar totally different.
    and i found a ar 10 lower i forgot i had so i need to build that.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Mangyrat; 03-25-2020 at 09:30 PM.
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  6. #666
    Join Date
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    Some Chair in Greensburg, Pa


    Looking good Mangyrat! That 1911 build, was it a kit gun or something you picked up that needed work done to it?
    Yay! Cigars!

  7. #667
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    the 1911 was a build.
    The striped frame is from PSA and the rest was form SARCO other than grips and main spring.
    If you decide to try building one the day you get the striped frame blue it or it will rust.

    I picked up the parts on sale so the basic gun was $312, the grips were on clearance at PSA for $20 i think
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  8. #668
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    i was just talking with the neighbor about having enough for the Apocalypse.

    Nice catch on the serial number too. that's special.
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  9. #669
    Join Date
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post

    i was just talking with the neighbor about having enough for the Apocalypse.

    Nice catch on the serial number too. that's special.
    The apocalypse happens when uncle sugar runs out of $ to give to the ghetto goblins till then things will just chug along.
    People around here are panic buying guns right and left, i get asked a few times a week if i have any ammo or guns i want sell.
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  10. #670
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    Some Chair in Greensburg, Pa


    Yeah, funny how it was so hip and "in" to be anti-gun........until people think they have a need to defend them selves.
    Yay! Cigars!

  11. #671
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    I heard a HUGE, but far away explosion the other night at like 12:30 am. My first thought was "those silly meth heads" then i got my 45 out and put it by my bed.
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  12. #672
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    I don't participate in much in this thread because I don't own guns since it's not my "bag" but damn it, I'll defend all gun owner's rights until my death so as the CCDL (Connecticut Citizen's Defense League) says "Carry On!"

    Photobucket has turned into a scam so here's a photo for you:

    You wouldn't believe how many cars on the roads in CT have these stickers on their bumpers and windows.

    Our country was founded by Revolutionaries who recognized the concept that so long as the citizenry is armed, the government is kept in check. which is why we have that thing that's affectionately referred to as "The Second Amendment"
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 07-29-2020 at 12:51 AM.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  13. #673
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    The GPS lady says im lost


    Picked up a a few guns in that few months one of my favorites CZ75B
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	4113
    Last edited by Mangyrat; 08-15-2020 at 10:34 PM.
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  14. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    I heard a HUGE, but far away explosion the other night at like 12:30 am. My first thought was "those silly meth heads" then i got my 45 out and put it by my bed.
    I broke out the billiard ball cannon on the 4th that started world war 3 my neighbor brought out his can launcher on a AR and some one broke out the tannerite they must have used 5 lbs now that was loud the guy used a glow stick as a target to hit it lol it vaporized.
    We live in the town so did not go hog wild on the explosions other then the guy with the tannerite his yard backs up to the woods so got away with shooting it, some how none of us went to jail but the police were circling the block most of the night probably waiting to see what we would do next, the fireworks were week in comparison to what we were doing.

    I was using 2 shot glasses of FFF black powder "fff is a black powder pistol powder but my canon is rated for it" tossed in some flower to make a bigger flash and then packed in a few hot dog buns nice and tight.
    I had to start aiming the cannon up like a mortar instead of flat so it would not move back every shot damn thing weighs 70lbs but would recoil a foot or so every shot.
    I think i need a bigger cannon for next year.
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  15. #675
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    Picked up a few more while on vacation.

    Beretta 85 BB excellent condition for a police/military trade in, it still has the white lettering inlay showing.
    Sccy 9mm "disposable guns i buy them as truck guns and bathroom guns that i do not care about" they are the new highpoint but much better gun for the price i actually like the 380 version better than most of my other 380's other than the new Beretta.
    Stoeger Uplander Side by Side Shotgun in 12 gauge, man it has a wide hand guard but i like the way it patterns.

    mostly i spent the week topping off my ammo supply and i am still needing 357mg and 300 aac.
    i had help counting ammo and it still took 4 or 5 hrs to inventory it all.
    Hit a few cigar shops while making the rounds so all in all i had a good vacation other than spending to much on ammo.
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  16. #676
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    Some Chair in Greensburg, Pa


    Yeah, those Sccys are nice guns and closer to the inexpensive side.
    Yay! Cigars!

  17. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizicke5273 View Post
    Yeah, those Sccys are nice guns and closer to the inexpensive side.
    I pick them up from Palmetto state armory for $149 they screw up the pricing a lot of times one week its over $200 the next $149.
    I hit 2 different PSA stores near me is how i find them cheap one will have them cheap almost every time i visit.
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  18. #678
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mangyrat View Post
    I pick them up from Palmetto state armory for $149 they screw up the pricing a lot of times one week its over $200 the next $149.
    I hit 2 different PSA stores near me is how i find them cheap one will have them cheap almost every time i visit.
    Ha! That is a good deal! Best deal in my area is at Rural King for $199.
    Yay! Cigars!

  19. #679
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizicke5273 View Post
    Ha! That is a good deal! Best deal in my area is at Rural King for $199.

    If your looking for a cheap 1911 take a look at ATI i picked up 2 so far for $429 "that is the panic price i have heard they are cheaper" and both were good to go out of the box after i replaced the cheap factory magazines.
    I did not even have to polish the feed ramp or anything just used good magazines, i will be keeping them stock i prefer the old school look.
    I think they are a little better made than Rock island.
    They are a local company Summerville, SC so i may have to go visit them and see what else they make.
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  20. #680
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    Sorry have been gone a long time.

    I finally gave up working "well my VA doctor said your going to die if you keep this crap up" went out occupational disability to make him happy and keep from getting killed at work.

    Gun collecting is going good i think i have a little over 60 again after i hooked up family members with shot guns, rifles, pistols and ammo.
    My main problem is ammo i have some strange addiction with buying it when i find it, even if i don't have a gun in that caliber now i need a 5.7 pistol.
    I really need a new hobby, something cheaper like off roading my truck or get back in to motorcycles.

    Not doing a lot with cigars just occasionally a decent cigar but mostly cheap stuff i chain smoke.
    designated whipping boy for the grammar police
    Just run everything threw a spell checker.

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