On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most fucked up, you're about at a 7. You're shitting all over the board in general, and specifically the participants of the PuroPot Pass. I would say "other" participants, but that would imply that you were one of the participants and you haven't participated with any integrity, which puts you more in the category of egocentric, arrogant asshole rather than participant. Others have been pretty goddamn polite, letting your shit slide, hoping you'd pull your head out of your ass, but, for what it's worth, that's over as far I'm concerned.

The guy running the pass generously allowed you to join at a late date after you asked:

Quote Originally Posted by Artyman1200 View Post
Make it 4. I missed the Spring Draft and I just gotta get in on something! Plus, who wouldn't want the chance to get a disgusting/perverse/hilarious sigtag
One would think that after being given what amounts to special permission you'd be putting in the effort to reciprocate the goodwill of the other participants.

But no, you posted this on or about 6/9:

Quote Originally Posted by Artyman1200 View Post
Got the package yesterday. I'll try and smoke it today or tomorrow...get that 'winner' sig tag ready to go...
And then a week later, you insult the board with this bullshit:

Quote Originally Posted by Artyman1200 View Post
Hey guys, I had to go out of town and I didn't get a chance to smoke the puro before I left. I do have it with me and I plan on smoking it tomorrow. I wasn't trying to blow anybody off, but I do have my priorities. Sorry I left everybody hanging. It wasn't my intention...
Of course you have priorities, and having priorities is not the problem. The problem is your disregard for any kind of timely communication, and your lack of acknowledgment of the same, even after it was pointed out to you. So, leaving people hanging was exactly your intention. That's like sucker punching someone and then saying, 'whoops, I didn't mean to do that.' Action requires thought no matter how compulsive and poorly attended to, and your lameass apology holds no water.

And finally, you come up with this little gem:

Quote Originally Posted by Artyman1200 View Post
Alright, the moment you've all been waiting for... blah, blah, blah . . . Sorry again for my little disappearing act...I was considering taking all those high dollar smokes and heading for the border
More cavalier bullshit. Again, nobody cares that you "disappeared". Just give somebody a heads up. All this amounts to is you blowing another chance to apologize for zero communication.

And now, you've "disappeared" again, no doubt thinking you can come in here whenever and throw some more bullshit around and get away with it.

Fuck that. You don't get it. The only way you can fix this, IMO, is to send the cigars, hope like hell they don't get lost, apologize, and then STFU for a long while, or better, just get off the board and stay off.

I just hope the very small gap between bullshit artist and thief is a little further than you're willing to jump.