Quote Originally Posted by basil View Post
Skulking, scuttling, whatev. But it does look like you are leaving. Man, the title of this thread is what you've got coming for the act you've kept up all this time.

Y'know, a resentment is like pissing your pants. You're the only one who can feel, but everyone else can see it.
Geez I was really beginning to worry. So I stopped by to help you out. How did you ever go 3 days without purging? Seriously, that's not good for your health.

Naw, just kidding, I didn't stop by just for you. I knew if I was gone too long you would find some other member to chew on. So see, it worked. I'll probably be getting some more Thank You for the sacrifice notes now. So "without any resentment" later dude.