funkycold5 & badwhale at dinner. badwhale notices that the flash is not up.

The flash is up this time, but badwhale now has an intense need to smoke something.

Irish79, funkycold5, badwhale & FactoredReality. Awesome dinner Nate. Ribs, rice & corn. He made bacon & eggs for breakfast Saturday morning as well.

A stray neighborhood cat the decided to visit the yard during dinner with her little ones.

Irish79 & FactoredReality awaiting their turn for cornhole. FR is freaking awesome at this game.

Irish79 & FactoredReality awaiting their turn for cornhole while Kelly (FR's girlfriend) plays hide & seek or something.

RASS waiting while bags are tossed.

funkycold5 & badwhale waiting for their turn to toss. The teams were funkycold5 & Irish79 vs FactoredReality & badwhale. FR & badwhale were the undisputed champs as FR played way too much cornhole in college.

FactoredReality contemplating smoking his Maxx. The question that was not answered: His he compensating for something?

About to cut the Maxx. He would be smoking that cigar for the next 2+ hours.