Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. I'm not trying to bewindle you here, but I feel compelled to draw you a picture...

I hear you and your holistic outlook for 'Smokers, and even the:


'Smokers is what 'Smokers is - largely because of people like Ted and Jamie. It is not like other cigar boards - and, quite frankly, I'm very grateful for that.

It surely would be nice to just switch off the "noise" and live in Nirvana (as in - have the moderators just shut down offensive posts). But - individuals like Ted and Jamie are as much a moderator as is they are moderated by the others in the community. And in that dynamic - this board works very well.

If Christopher (or any other newb to the board, for that matter) is TRULY interested in what our members consider to be "good" or "bad" - or "cheap" or "expensive" - good places to buy cigars versus places to steer clear of - they will engage themselves in the discussions on this board. They will not seek to pull out what they want in the first 30 posts, and then move on. And if someone works over their scrotum like a pinata at a 5 year olds birthday party for asking for something they should be more thoughtful about? Well - my friend - it's part of the price of being a member here. (BTW - once the scrotum blisters up a bit, the blows don't hurt nearly as bad as when you get the first whack)

...and through that process - you, Ted, Jamie and others have managed to survive and flourish. There are some pretty doggone good members here now that have been challenged and met that challenge. And so - the challenges should go on.

I truly think you're in a quandry with priorities. I sincreely hope you are able to sort them out.