Hey all.

I have the strongest urge to buy my first humidor with the mindset of aging cigars that I will hopefully enjoy years to come. I currently am searching for the best investment, but I understand what I think I might need count-wise now will rise in future years, so I'm quite skeptical, but I'm still looking. Reading all the Humi-Know-How makes me confident that I can find, prep, handle, use a humidor correctly. Thanks!

I hope this post isn't a re-post from somewhere else, but I was just extremely curious.

How old was the oldest cigar that you personally aged and smoked? (I won't even ask about how the experience was, because I bet the aging of a fine cigar is worth the wait hence phenomenal.)

This post and survey isn't meant to shine anyone's skill/talent/passion/ego amongst others like... "I was able to age my fine Zino 23 years! Beat that!".

Aging is definitely not a competition, I understand everyone has their own taste, but surely some of us well-experienced smokers have aged what us noobie's have not...yet.