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Thread: Another Newb, Still <15 cigars this lifetime

  1. #1

    Default Another Newb, Still <15 cigars this lifetime

    Hello all. Im here from Ohio. Everyone here seems to know their stuff so I figured Id join up and learn some things.

    Here is my cigar history from what i can remember
    3-5x random cigars that I dont remember
    2x Baccarat(these were a bit hot and bitey if i remember correctly. It was one of my first smokes and I think I was just puffing it too hot.)
    2x E. Zarzuela (blue and silver ones; Pleasant but not complex enough for my taste)
    Vista de Cuba (dont remember much about this one)
    3x Padron 3000's? (good flavor but too pricey for me at $5 per
    Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Robusto Maduro ( had one of these and felt great afterward)

    Im looking for something right now to fill my humidor. I see CigarInternational has 20 Super Fuertes for 29.99 but they have been out of stock for days :(

    I know its not much to go on but, any suggestions? I really like a full complex cigar. Mild just doesnt give me any enjoyment.
    Last edited by OHCS; 07-30-2009 at 08:59 PM.

  2. Default

    Welcome from another newb! You've probably smoked more premium cigars than me by a few. You can check cigar monster for a good deal. I recommend you order something with many different types of cigars. That’s what I'm doing and its fun exploring. I just smoked a Partagas black label Maduro which was fantastic. That cigar might be right up your alley, although the single cost me $6 which sounds like more than you like to spend.

  3. Default

    Welcome from another newb from IN.

    "he who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still." - lao tzu

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    No longer just south of the middle of no where! Now in Clearwater Florida.
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    Welcome from Oregon. What do you do? Enjoy your time on the boards, you will learn lots here! Roger.
    Just another day at the office!

  5. #5


    Welcome from CT. This is a great place and if you're like many of us you find that you spend more and more time reading old posts and looking at the new ones.

    - Andrew
    “Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.”
    - George Burns

    “I have to laugh when I think of the first cigar, because it was probably just a bunch of rolled up tobacco leaves”
    - Jack Handy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bah, Humbug
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    Hello from Central Texas.
    Seems a lot of newbies are joining up here including myself.
    "I didn't play at collecting. No cigar anywhere was safe from me."
    ~Edward G. Robinson
    "Ain't nothin' better than a damn good cigar."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Denver, CO
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    Welcome from CO
    Smoke em' if you got em'

  8. #8


    Thanks to everyone for the welcome messages.

    I also find that I enjoy scotch with my cigars. I don't pour a large drink(maybe 1-2oz), but I like to take light sips between every 3-4 puffs. I like the scotch flavor and it seems like it resets my palette so the cigar flavor comes out more on the next puff. I have tasted several $20-35 scotches. My favorite so far is by far is Johnnie Walker Black Label. My old roommate lined up a bunch of liquors for a taste test and I immediately picked out the Black Label. I even preferred it over some of the younger Hennessy cognac he had.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger View Post
    Welcome from Oregon. What do you do? Enjoy your time on the boards, you will learn lots here! Roger.
    I am currently a student which is why I am trying to limit my budget slightly. I am studying engineering and pharmacy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesmudge View Post
    Welcome from another newb! You've probably smoked more premium cigars than me by a few. You can check cigar monster for a good deal. I recommend you order something with many different types of cigars. That’s what I'm doing and its fun exploring. I just smoked a Partagas black label Maduro which was fantastic. That cigar might be right up your alley, although the single cost me $6 which sounds like more than you like to spend.
    I may have smoked more premiums but I doubt I was able to fully appreciate them. I know I got some of them way too hot. I am mainly looking for something I can have day to day so when I do get a premium, I can enjoy it properly. I will keep that Partagas Maduro in mind for when I feel I am ready for it. Thanks for the suggestion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbysh9 View Post
    Welcome from CT. This is a great place and if you're like many of us you find that you spend more and more time reading old posts and looking at the new ones.
    - Andrew
    Yes I am doing my best trying to search the forum. I'm getting a better feel now for what terms are used in the cigar world so my searches are more fruitful. For now I figured I would start this thread and keep all of my noobness in one central location. Then if anyone gets annoyed by me they only have to ignore one thread instead of many.

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