We are joking around with flavored cigars in the free cigar thread, and I thought I would share this little story with you. I swore I was never going to post this, but what the hell.

Two weekends ago I was at the camp with my son. We go just about every weekend. I love to smoke on the porch over the bayou and watch the sunset thinking how good life is.

Saturday night, I had that Padron 7000 from the pass, thinking how I was going to beat this smoke for my Sunday morning smoke. I happen to bring a Opus Power Ranger with me and thinking that would be awesome the next day after a good breakfast.

So, Sunday morning we woke up. We took a little boat ride and caught a couple of fish on our jug lines then headed back to the camp. The coffee was smelling good while I made the pancakes and sausage. All I could think about was smoking that Power Ranger after breakfast. Everything was ready and we decided to eat out on the porch. I finished eating and was waiting on my son to finish his so I could pick up the dishes, get a fresh cup of joe and light the Power Ranger on the porch. As I was bringing the dishes inside, my son tripped on the doorway and when i went to catch him the Power Ranger fell out of my top pocket into a plate off half eaten pancakes and maple syrup!

I quickly went inside and very carefully tried to remove as much syrup as I could without smearing it on the rest of the cigar. I let it sit for awile and had another cup of coffee. It started to dawn on me just to try it like that it can't hurt and I was just going to trash it anyway. So there I was lighting an Opus Power Ranger that had maple syrup on one side of it. I really enjoyed it and it didn't have a maple taste at all. The only problem was keeping the burn going correctly. The smoke did have a little different smell on the relights though!

Lesson learned....don't take your cigar out of your travel humidor until you ready to light it up!
