I have smoked some cigars that have been offered to me before and I really enjoyed them but every time I pick some up for myself they taste like crap. I was hoping I could find a certain brand of cigars that are good but not obnoxiously expensive. I know cigar smoking can get quite expensive depending on what you smoke, but I'd like to smoke something that is mid-range price yet is great tasting.

I'm not looking for a box or a lot of cigars. If someone is willing to sell me (or donate ) 2+ cigars for $10-15 shipped, then please post or send me a PM. I'd like to enjoy a cigar every once in a while but my luck in choosing them is horrible, so I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction with a brand(s) that will give me a starting location. I don't want to risk buying something online in larger quantities and then not being able to smoke them.

Any and all help is dearly appreciated.....

- Jens