I have a 150 qt cooler that's pretty full. My hygrometer is calibrated and recalibrated correctly as of last night. I have 1 lb of hearrtfelt 60% Rh beads. I was using 70% but my Rh kept about 71-74%. When I bought the 60% beads a couple weeks ago I put them in the humi without adding any distilled water thinking the Rh would settle better that way since all the sticks were too moist anyway. The hygrometer continues to read 70%. The Rh in the house is aroun 75% so opening the door more often doesn't seem to be the best way to drop the Rh. I can't find anything with search about a similar problem. I also have a desk top humi with 65% beads and it stays aroun 68%. Could the new beads have been mislabled? Am I destined for an active system? I though a pound of beads was a bit more than needed but did I just do the math wrong? I'm tired of slow draws and split wrappers! I can't even dry box with the high humidty. The Fonseca I left out of the cooler for a week still split last night