Hey guys,

I'm new to the forums as well as to cigar smoking in general. I'm in college at Penn State University and find it a wonderful way to relax after long weeks of stress. I seem to be leaning towards more full-bodied cigars, as I just finished a Brazilia, which i loved, a couple weeks ago (btw, it kicked me in the butt on an empty stomach, lol). So, I was at the local cigar shop, and was remcommend an Africa and an Oliva Bold. Haven't smoked them yet, but one will be tonight. Also, the lady recommended, however mild, a moontrance. Any opinions on these few that i listed? Also, is it okay to relight a cigar. For example, say i want to smoke for 10-15 minutes, and then go grab some dinner, and finish it off after, is that okay....does it hurt the flavor....any particular way i need to do it (cut off end, etc.)....is that against cigar ettiquette?

Thanks guys, and glad to be part of the forums.