Advantages and Disadvantages of using the Quit Smoking Patch:
The advantages of using the quit smoking patch, or the nicotine patch as it is sometimes called, is that it provides your body and brain with a constant supply of nicotine, without you having to think about it all the time. This way it also helps you slowly forget about the smoking habit, because you won't feel the need to do it anymore.

The disadvantages of using the quit smoking patch is that they can provoke different irritations to the skin and they are pretty expensive, although if you consider the money that you would spend on cigars they don't look so expensive anymore. It is also believed that the quit smoking patch causes the person wearing it to have strange dreams if it goes to bed with the patch on. Unfortunately if you don't wear it during sleep, the next day when you wake up you will probably feel the need to smoke or you would feel agitated, and it would take some time before the new patch will start working.

But the biggest disadvantage that the quit smoking patch has is that if you smoke while having it put on or just shortly after removing it, you could suffer nicotine overdose, which can even lead to death. That is why you should be very careful when using the quit smoking patch.