Hey guys,

I have been studying for an exam for the past 2 months and the exam is this Friday - It is the Fire Protection Engineering exam and I really hope I pass because it is only offered once a year. It is an 8 hour exam and open book, so it is pretty rough, but I feel prepared. I find out the results months later, but Friday night I will celebrate anyway with my wife and I would like to extend the invitation to all of you.

I am new here, and don't have much of a collection going right now, so it will be a BYOS night, but my wife makes some great fudge and I will gladly share it with anyone who wants to travel to Tucson, AZ!

If you can't make the trip I understand, but light up a good stick with me around 7PM MST and we can share a celebration smoke - no more studying!

Oh and if you wouldn't mind, send me some good luck Friday morning - I am starting to feel those butterflies... ugh, I hate tests.
