The swine flu, that is. What a miserable couple of days. I went to see the Avs play the Blachkawks on Friday night with my son, came home from a meeting on Saturday and have barely been able to stay awake. I never imagined I could sleep that much. 18-20 hours a day, literally.

I don't know if I'm getting better or just feeling relatively better than I have. Achy muscles along with the occasional muscle cramp, diarrhea, sore throat, congestion, dry cough, upset stomach, ringing in the ears, runny eyes, and tons of sinus phlegm in the mornings. This baby's got it all. I know I'm missing a couple of things 'cause if all I had was what I listed I'd have felt a lot better than I did.

Avoid this mother fucker at all costs! From what I hear it hitting the younger generation a lot harder than folks my age. If that's true I really feel sorry for them.