The other day I picked up a couple of LVH Chateau #1. I heard some good things about them and wanted to give them a try. So, last night, after dinner, I made myself comfortable on the sofa and lit one up while I watched TV. The cigar was quite enjoyable. It had a nice flavor and good characteristics. I wouldn't call it a strong cigar. I smoked it down to the end but a few minutes after I finished, cripes! Dizzy, cold sweat and nausea. It took about an hour for the symptoms to subside. What the hell do they put in those things? I've smoked some bad-ass cigars in my time but I have never reacted to any cigar like I did with the LVH. I will smoke the other one but only in the presence of a nurse. Anyone else have any reactions to this smoke or am I the only weirdo as far as this cigar is concerned?