Today is SixPackSunday's birthday. He claims to be 23 years old but I think he's more like eleven.

This toad came here about a year ago and was one of those who refused to use his "Shift" key when posting. Many of us thought he was Sid( bigpoppapuff) sneaking back in here under an assumed name because sid was doing a lot of that right around that time.

Around February of this year, we pretty much ran him off and he settled in over at where he spread his asshattery around that place like there was no tomorrow. He was making fifteen or twenty posts a day then, all of a sudden in April of this year his disappeared.

Turns out he scammed a bunch of the sheep over on poof, stole their money and has never been heard from again.

So here's to you SixPackAsshat, we recognized you right away for being the absolute PIECE OF $HIT lowlife that you are!

You also were highly successful in proving our point that cigar sites like poof who welcome pond scum like you are exactly what we say they are "Toilets" with so many turds floating around in them, anyone who posts on boards like that can't help getting $hit splattered on them just by even logging in at places like that.

The list of boards like that goes on and on but we all know that, and are easily the top three!

So again SixPack, a big shout out "THANK YOU" for you just plain being you!