Rocky Patel Costa Rican Maduro

Looks like a Toro size. No store label nor could I find a description of the blend on the net.
They have been resting for 6 months in my humi.

Upon first lighting it tastes light a twangy dark leathery taste with lots of tobacco flavor. Some acidity.
Ash is a nice light to medium grey. Held on for about an inch before I tapped it.

First 1/3

Has a definite flavor that resembles a taste in the CAO MX2 to me. I can't put my finger on it but i taste the same dominant flavor
in both smokes. It has to do with the dark wrapper for sure. Right away plenty of smoke and the draw is good.
I like this flavor. Tastes like DARK bitter cocoa. This flavor I can not put my finger on is good too. Like I say I taste it in the CAO MX2
also. Some hint of nut and wood coming through. More wood than nut. Heavy dark tobbaco flavor. Woodsy is a little heavier than the nut flavor.
A little spice not much at all too speak of. Not a spicy cigar at all to me.

Second 1/3

More smoke coming on strong too. Almost a metallic flavor(like I taste in an MX2... yeah)... musky. I know metallic sounds weird but it comes to mind in a good way.
Tasting the cocoa more now, much more pronounced. Oh yeah! Let's get it on now. Into the second 1/3 real good and it is on. A strong medium to full bodied maduro depending on your tastes. Yummy and heavy cocoa, bitter cocoa and woodsy with a rich baccy flavor. why does this taste so much like an MX2 in a big way? Very nice second 1/3. Getting a little acidic towards the end of the second 1/3.

Third 1/3

Stronger even. I like it. Acidic level jumped a couple of more notches here.
Really nice and stout great acidic flavor. Very Very musky, no cocoa at all here. Just strong musky tobacco. Good smoke.

Overall Impression (short and sweet):

This smoke is very musky, metallic, dark bitter cocoa and woodsy and baccy.
If you like a MX2 you should like this one.
A solid Maduro smoke that should satisfy.