Quote Originally Posted by Cyris View Post
Hrmm, I know it is only partly on topic here, but I ran a swamp cooler for years in Arizona and the power bill was MUCH less then when I got AC. I think you might be surprised on that front, but take the time to clean up your pads and spider.. it might make your summer a little more comfortable.

That said.. I think the coolerador is probably the cheaper way to go and reliable. The only real bonus to the wine fridge is that the temps will be consistent even if you are not home for long periods of time. I am not sure how long those ice packs last if you are trying to keep a stable temp. The power for an extra fridge will be noticeable on your power bill.
The wine coolers are thermoelectric- no condenser. They won't use anywhere never the electric a normal fridge would. At most mine cost a couple bucks a month. My avarage electric bill went up maybe $3.50 to $4.50 a month. A far cry from running the Central Air that sky rockets my electric bill come summer