Was a good year, imo, for Cigarsmokers.com. We added several quality, participating members and had a few, uh, interesting characters stop by and give us some entertainment.

Since we added so many quality members, let's have a little contest only for them.

Participation Rules:
Must have joined in 2009
Must have at least 50 posts
One entry per participant.
Must have posted on the board within the last month, as of today, January 25, 2010 (my father's birthday btw).

Give us a little run down on your experiences here at Csmokers, a kind of "Best of" for 2009. Things you have learned, people you have met, cigars you have smoked. Entries in the form of Haikus will be immediately disqualified, other than that, it's pretty
much wide open.

Contest will close on January 31, 2010 at midnight CST, and I'll choose the entry that I enjoy the most. Winner will receive a selection of smokes from my cooler.