
I'm Curt and I'm a fairly recent cigar smoker.

I had my first "real" cigar in July of 09 (damn me but I feel like I'm in an AA meeting......oh deja vu.....lol) I say "real" because prior to that, I had only had Colts type cigarellos which I now understand arent' actually a real cigar.

Anyhow.....I chain smoked cigarettes from some time in the mid 70's until May of 08. In late June of 08 my wife's boss went to Cuba and came back with a couple variety packs of cigars. He gave me a Montecristo and a Partagas and I was pretty much hooked after the very first one.

My younger brother has been an avid pipe/cigar smoker for probably around a decade or longer and as soon as I had the first cigar I was talking to him on the phone and got the address of his favorite cigar store and have been a frequent visitor ever since.

I'm looking to expand my horizon's, and knowledge about cigars and have to date spent quite a bit of time googling everything cigar related and that's how I found this site.

Just out of curiosity, do we have anybody in the Edmonton, AB area? I'm just north of it and I'm always looking for someone to enjoy a good cigar with.