Dear Friends & BOTL,
As of April 5th I will be moving to a new home. My wife’s father is about to turn 83 and is not in the best of health. He currently lives in West Palm Beach FL. And will be moving in with us in Massachusetts. The house we own now is wonderful but does not accommodate her father. We purchased a house with an in-law apartment attached.
I will truly miss living in Mattapoisett. It is a wonderful small seaside town. But look forward to our new home located one town over. I’m giving up beautiful views of Buzzards bay for 4 acres of fields bordered by forest ( I saw six wild turkeys this morning when I met the painter at 7am ). Any correspondence that is sent in error to my old address after April 5th will be fine as we have not even listed the beach house with a realtor yet. I will send a PM to all those I have had any sort of dealings with that will include my new address and phone number. Anyone else who wants that information feel free to PM me.
( I also need to figure out how to change my email address on this forum - I currently have verizon FIOS- my new home is located in a town that only has comcast, so my email address will have to change)