So I was cooking with my mom tonight, she was boiling some potatoes for mashers and I was boiling water for some sugar snap peas. Everything is going along fine until...a sound like a gunshot went off. This shit was loud. We look down and the glass top under the burners has literally exploded. We saw glass everywhere, up to about ten to fifteen feet behind where the range is. Thankfully it was the safety glass like what they put on car windows so no one was hurt, but it did hit us. If there were any small kids near us an eye could have easily been lost no doubt.

So just wanted to warn you guys, even though there were no warning signs and our cooktop has not been abused or anything. After doing a quick google search, this is actually quite common. Really scary.

So just be safe and hope for the best.

Edit: Sorry, should have put this in general discussion, wrong damn button